Vandex Cemelast

Vandex Cemelast


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Vandex Cemelast is a two-component polymer modified, cementitious surface treatment. It consists of Vandex BB75 (dry component) and Vandex Cemelast Liquid (polymer component), When the two are mixed together to create Vandex Cemelast, areas that are subject to cracking and minor movement can be easily waterproofed. Tested to over 50 feet of hydrostatic pressure, Vandex Cemelast is suitable for horizontal and vertical/overhead uses. While resistant to water and moisture, Vandex Cemelast allows the structure to breathe by allowing the passage of vapor.

Features & Benefits

  • Positive side waterproofing

  • Elastomeric properties for cracked substrates

  • Allows vapor to pass through substrate

  • Perfect for vertical/overhead and horizontal surfaces


  • Substrate: concrete and masonry

  • Waterproofing and protection against water and moisture

  • For cracks and areas of potential cracking

  • Foundations, slabs, retaining walls, drinking water structures, etc.


  • Vandex BB75: 25kg lined paper bag

  • Vandex Cemelast: Liquid 9kg container

Vandex Cemelast Product Image


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Head Office: 8 Cresset Road, Midrand
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 254 5500

Tammsprime 689

Tammsprime 689


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TAMMSPRIME 689 is a high quality, solvent-based acrylic copolymer wall coating designed to have excellent penetrative properties which binds and consolidates friable porous surfaces ideal for substrates such as new and old plaster, fibreboard and concrete surfaces. The choice of mineral fillers enhances the product’s waterproofing, yet breathable characteristics. Ideal as a primer for subsequent coats of high quality adhesion promoted acrylic paints such as Pro-Struct 684/4 Muralflex, Pro-struct 684/6 and TAMMSCOAT. The product is designed for the protection of concrete and masonry structures, especially in harsh environments.

Features & Benefits

  • Excellent resistance to substrate alkali and efflorescence attack
  • Excellent resistance to mildew and fungus growth
  • Excellent resistance to severe weather conditions and industrial fallout
  • Excellent resistance to general household detergent washing
  • Solution coating with deep penetrating properties
  • Excellent adhesion to porous substrates
  • Vapour permeable film allowing breathability
  • Effective anti-carbonation coating by reducing the diffusion of carbon dioxide through the coating


  • Primer for coating to new and old concrete
  • Primer for fibreboard
  • Primer for coatings to masonry, new and old plaster


TAMMSPRIME 689 is packaged in 20 litre drums and 5 litre pails.

Tammsprime 689


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Head Office: 8 Cresset Road, Midrand
Industrial Park, Chloorkop, Midrand, 1685
Tel: +27 (0) 11 254 5500

Understanding Your Concrete Scaling: Causes and Simple Solutions

Understanding Your Concrete Scaling: Causes and Simple Solutions

As winter fades away, the toll it takes on concrete surfaces becomes apparent. The once smooth and sturdy concrete can reveal unsightly blemishes, and one of the most common issues is scaling. This problem not only affects the aesthetics of your surfaces but also compromises their structural integrity.


Causes of Scaling and How to Fix Them

Improper Concrete Mix Design

Inadequate proportions of cement, water, and aggregates during the initial concrete mix can lead to weakened surfaces. Euco Re-Cover offers a reliable remedy, enhancing the overall durability of the concrete and mitigating scaling issues caused by subpar mix designs.

Insufficient Curing

Rushed or inadequate curing processes can leave concrete susceptible to scaling. Proper curing involves maintaining consistent moisture levels and temperature conditions. If scaling has already occurred due to poor curing, applying Euco Re-Cover can help restore and protect the surface.

Abrasive Materials and Deicing Chemicals

Harsh chemicals and abrasive materials used for de-icing can exacerbate scaling. Euco Re-Cover acts as a shield, creating a barrier that safeguards against the corrosive effects of these substances.

Enter Euclid Chemical’s solution – Euco Re-Cover. This innovative product offers a practical and user-friendly way to breathe new life into scaled concrete. Not only does it revitalize the surface, but it also fortifies it against future bouts of harsh winter weather.

Want to learn more?

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Learn more about – Euco Re-Cover

Diagnosing 5 Common Concrete Sealer Problems

Diagnosing 5 Common Concrete Sealer Problems

Concrete sealer problems can be a source of frustration for concrete contractors. When a concrete sealer does not look or perform as expected, the cause can usually be traced back to over-application, application in non-ideal conditions or a build-up of multiple coats. Following are five common sealer issues that contractors may face, why they happen, and how to avoid them.

Problem #1: Sealer Bubbled

The presence of bubbles in the sealer is usually caused by a heavy application. Outgassing from the concrete surface during sealer application should be free to quickly move through a thin, wet sealer film. What is thin? At a typical coverage rate of 300 square feet per gallon, one coat of an acrylic concrete sealer should be about 5 mils thick when wet. When dry, the sealer is only about 2 mils thick. (For comparison, a sheet of copy paper is about 10 mils thick and a credit card is 120 mils thick.) When the sealer is applied too heavily, the air displaced through the surface can’t escape, and it forms a bubble in the sealer surface.

Bubbling of a sealer can also occur if application is done in hot weather, or if the concrete is in direct sun. In these conditions, the sealer will “skin over” and dry on the surface before all of the solvent has evaporated. The pressure of the solvent trying to evaporate will form a bubble in the sealer surface. It’s best to apply sealers during the coolest part of the day when concrete is not in direct sun.

Problem #2: Solvent Based Sealer Turned White, is Peeling or is Flaking Off

There are two key contributors to “blushing or whitening of a solvent based concrete sealer. The first is application to a concrete surface that is wet, or to fresh concrete that still contains bleed water. When this occurs, the sealer will not bond to the concrete surface but will instead float on a trapped film of water. The second cause of sealer blushing is applying it too thick. Heavy coats of sealer, or a build-up of sealer applied numerous times over the years, will cause moisture to become entrapped under the sealer and, in time, the sealer loses adhesion from the concrete. When this occurs, the trapped moisture and air under the de-bonded sealer has a refractive index such that the sealer appears white to the human eye. In time, the sealer will peel or flake off the surface. To avoid this problem, carefully follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding coverage rate and number of recommended coats.

Problem #3: Water-Based Sealer is White or Powdery

The drying process of water based sealers is quite complicated and significantly affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment during application. Water based acrylic sealers dry by a process called coalescence in which the water and then the coalescing solvent evaporate and fuse together the acrylic particles to form the sealer film. If the temperature during application is too low or humidity is too high, the coalescing solvent will evaporate before the water does and the sealer will dry white or powdery because the latex particles did not fuse together before drying. Always find out what temperature and humidity conditions are required for successful application of a water based sealer.

Problem #4: Sealer is Stained from Oil, Leaves, Tires, Fertilizer, etc.

The most common concrete sealers are manufactured with acrylic polymers that do not provide exceptional chemical or stain resistance to the concrete. For more durability and resistance to chemicals and staining, consider an epoxy or urethane coating system, and ensure that the coating is appropriate for exterior use before applying to outdoor concrete.

Problem #5: Concrete is Dark and/or Blotchy After Sealer is Applied

Most acrylic sealers will darken concrete and leave a glossy shine to some extent, giving the concrete a “wet look”. Because every slab is unique in its colour and texture, the colour of the concrete after sealer application is difficult to predict. The mix design, use of chemical admixtures, finishing techniques and porosity are just a few factors that will affect the concrete surface colour. A sealer will deepen the true colour of concrete and will highlight all the differences in the surface texture that result from floating and finishing. Sealers also bring out the “grain” in concrete just like a varnish does on wood. If changing the concrete colour after sealing is a concern, use a penetrating water repellent sealer or do a small test application of a film-forming sealer to make sure the colour change will be acceptable.


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See our products – Curing & Sealing Compounds

Eucoweld 2.0

Eucoweld 2.0


Home  >  Products  >  Primers  >  Eucoweld 2.0


EUCOWELD 2.0 is a liquid latex bonding agent for cement-based repair mortars and concrete. EUCOWELD 2.0 has a long open time, and repair materials can be placed either after it has dried, or while it is still wet. This bonding agent represents a new generation of easy-to-use latex, which exhibits drastically improved performance and stability in comparison to the typical re-wettable ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) bonding agents currently available. EUCOWELD 2.0 is a unique, non-EVA based latex that utilizes reactive chemistry for bonding, rather than depending on the moisture content of the repair material.

Features & Benefits

  • Excellent bond strengths
  • Repair materials can be applied wet-on-wet, or after it has dried
  • Easy to use – applied to surface straight from container
  • Long open time


  • Repairing concrete with cement-based mortars
  • Concrete overlays and toppings
  • Interior or exterior use
  • Repairs that will be frequently wet or submerged after curing


EUCOWELD 2.0 is packaged in 5 litres and 20 litres.

Eucoweld 2.0


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Head Office: 8 Cresset Road, Midrand
Industrial Park, Chloorkop, Midrand, 1685
Tel: +27 (0) 11 254 5500